How To Develop A Job Search Platform Like Sonic Jobs

Complete Guide to Building Job Apps Like Sonic Jobs

During recent years, things underwent drastic changes in the recruitment and job search industry. Due to the advent of technology, employers no longer resort to just newspapers and pamphlets to advertise vacancies. They use digital platforms like websites and mobile applications to recruit talented people for their organization. Solutions like these also make it easier for job seekers to send their CVs to potential employers without having to visit their offices physically.

In the beginning, websites were the only platforms available for employers and job seekers to leverage. However, as time passed, a tech-savvy generation appeared that wanted a quicker and more reliable solution. In the UK, for instance, it led to the foundation of a mobile application called Sonic Jobs. At the moment, around 65% of all job seekers all over the world use their smartphones to search for employers.

Owing to the ever-growing popularity of mobile apps like Sonic Jobs, the overall scenario of searching for jobs changed profoundly and simplified the entire process. These mobile applications can assist young people searching for jobs to create resumes, identify the most suitable jobs, connect with employers, and pinpoint opportunities. Similarly, applications like these made it easier for employers to segregate the best from the rest.

With the incredible potential held by recruitment mobile apps, entrepreneurs are taking a strong interest in working with the best mobile app development firms to launch their mobile applications. If you’re one of them, then you need to go through this write-up.

Market size and industry statistics

Online recruitments websites have been enjoying exponential growth since the 2000s. Now that the internet has become a prominent part of almost every individual’s life, the use of online recruitment platforms increased even more.

Apart from Sonic Jobs, Indeed is one of the most renowned recruitment portals. It connects more than 250 million visitors every month, both job seekers and recruiters, by offering them unrestricted access to its massive database of jobs.

Reports generated by market researchers further prove that more than 46 million people from every corner of the world downloaded the mobile app Indeed. 20 million of those folks are from the USA alone. Currently, more than 50% of the platform’s traffic comes from smartphones and other mobile devices.

Business models

Recruitment platforms can adhere to one of these two business models.

1. B2B

A B2B model incorporates offering recruitment services to corporate companies, starting from small start-ups to large-scale business organizations. Among all the services provided, the most prominent ones include access to resume databases, SMS marketing, vacancy listing, email marketing, and more.


2. B2C

The B2C model is about offering different job-related services, such as reaching recruiters, enhancing applicants’ profiles, writing resumes, and other premium jobs to candidates.

How to monetize

As an entrepreneur, you must be wondering how to monetize your Sonic Jobs clone. Well, here are the strategies you should consider.

1. Memberships

One of the best ways of monetizing a job portal app is to opt for membership packages that result in recurring revenues. Being the owner of the app, you can charge your members every month or every year based on resume access, regular job listings, providing access to educational resources, or offering admittance to forums or communities of like-minded employers.


2. Advertisements

Advertising is yet another effective and popular way of monetizing an application. The best alternative for you is to go for direct ad sales. It a procedure through which a business company relevant to your job portal reimburses you for advertising space. Conversely, you may consider using Google AdSense to host advertisements on your application. You just have to create an account and put the code on your site. Your revenue will depend on the number of people clicking on the advertisements.


3. Listings

One more monetization technique worth trying incorporates featuring the profile of specific employers on the first page or informing job-seeking candidates about these employers via emails or blog pages. For this service, the employers using your platform will pay you.


4. Job events

You may consider organizing webinars with industry experts that can assist job seekers in enhancing their careers. These sessions prove to be exceptionally fruitful, particularly for vocational development. Job seekers can buy tickets needed to attend the webinar from your application.


5. Subscriptions for e-learning

This strategy incorporates increasing the range of services offered by you. You can provide various educational courses to your users for which they must pay. These courses can be on anything, including professional development, technical knowledge, etc. This tactic will also come in handy if you want to legitimize your job search platform and increase credibility.

The features

Your Sonic Jobs clone should possess the following features if you want it to be a full-fledged platform that can help job seekers across the UK.

1. Panel for job seekers

  • The panel for job seekers should have a registration feature. If possible, you should allow users to sign up via their social media platforms.
  • There has to be a resume management system to make things easier for candidates.
  • There has to be a profile management system.
  • Candidates should be able to segregate jobs based on location, experience, keyword search, salary expectations, and more.
  • An opportunity to hire CV writing services.
  • Your app should facilitate delivering CVs to employers.
  • If possible, you may add video resume creation systems.
  • Candidates should be able to schedule interviews through video conferencing.
  • They should receive push notifications for job alerts.
  • They should also get a chance to bookmark specific jobs and employers.

2. Panel for recruiters 

  • Recruiters should be able to sign up to the platform using their email accounts.
  • Recruiters need to be able to create job postings and even edit them.
  • There has to be emailing prospects.
  • Recruiters should be able to filter resumes and download them.
  • Recruiters should be able to send job invites.
  • Recruiters will pay for subscription plans, and they need you to provide online payment platforms.
  • Recruiters have to be able to schedule interviews with job seekers through calls, in-person meetings, or video conferences.

3. Panel for the admin 

  • The admin needs to be able to manage job advertisements.
  • The admin has to manage the profiles of the candidates.
  • An admin also has to handle packages.
  • There has to be a content management system for the admin.
  • The admin will be in charge of managing the profiles of the recruiters.
  • Just like the recruiter, the admin should be able to send invitations.
  • An admin has to create data reports for employers and job seekers.
  • The admin also has to generate reports for earnings.

To conclude

There are several other advanced features you should have in your Sonic Jobs clone, but, unfortunately, it isn’t possible to discuss them in this write-up. If you seek out a reputable app development agency, the experts of the organization will be able to tell you more.

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