Publish on 03 Mar 2021

10 Tips To Use Social Media For Your Start-up

Are you about to start a new business? Then you’re probably thinking about building awareness about your brand. If you aren’t, you should do so at the earliest. During the earliest stages of building a start-up business, you need to focus on improving brand awareness more than anything else, and only a few things are as effective as social media for this purpose. As the owner of a start-up firm, you have access to cost-effective social media platforms that allow you to gain access to a massive audience and leverage an all-inclusive range of features. Apart from that, you’ll also get some of the latest support tools at your disposal. You can use them to achieve your social media objectives. With social media channels and associated tools, framing a fruitful marketing strategy for your start-up will be a piece of cake. The purpose of this write-up is to help you promote your start-up effectively. That’s why it consists of a set of guidelines. By following them, you’ll increase brand awareness while fulfilling your marketing goals.


1. Target audience identification:

Before you even think about building social media presence, you must identify your target audience. It means knowing the segments you will be catering to. You have to find out whether they’re youngsters, young adults, adults, or the elderly. After all, preferences change with age. Furthermore, you have to consider whether you’ll be providing your products or services to other businesses or end-users. Once you ponder over these matters, you will gain more clarity and can build social media strategies accordingly.


2. Ideal marketing platforms:

After clarifying your target audience, you can decide on the social media platforms you should use for promotional purposes. For example, B2B companies should prioritize Facebook and LinkedIn more than anything else. Conversely, B2C businesses can utilize Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Additionally, the type of marketing content you release will also have a say in your choice of social media platforms. So, if you’re thinking about using short videos, Instagram is the perfect platform.


3. Valuable content:

Content has always been the king in the world of digital marketing, and it will be in the future. Therefore, the content you release deserves more attention than the social media platform you want to use. Everything else will fall into place if you can ace your content strategy. Make sure you release content that adds value to the audience. Also, as you will be starting your company as a brand, you must establish a voice for it. Content will come in handy for this task. While making use of social media,

    • Include your brand or business logo in your profile.
    • Include your brand or business logo in your profile.
    • Keep the visual style and language tone consistent so that they remain in tandem with the brand.
      • In the beginning, you should release video content, such as tutorials and how-to guide as they can do wonders for your brand. Your prospects will look up to you as an authoritative platform that provides genuine information. Indeed, it’s one of the most crucial requirements of winning the social media game – making your brand look authoritative.


4. Latest trends:

As a brand trying to leverage social media, you must stay on top of every trend that pops up in your industry, as well as social media. You also need to keep tabs on the latest news and facts. In doing so, you can inculcate everything into the content pieces your release on social media. Based on the trend predictions made by experts back in 2019, augmented reality was supposed to take over the social media industry, and it did happen. If you can incorporate augmented reality systems into your social media strategy, you should consider working on it as soon as possible.


5. The right moment:

The next point of consideration is the time when you should post your content. You have to do it when the audience activity is at its highest. Why would you post anything on social media when your target audience isn’t even active? Your time, money, and effort will go down the drain if your audience doesn’t view what you release. That’s why you must take note of the days and time-points during the day when your audience remains active and post your content accordingly. It will increase your reach and brand engagement simultaneously.


6. Engaging with the audience actively:

Now, it’s time to put your social media strategy in gear to ensure maximum brand engagement. Engagement is a measurement system that tells you how your audience is interacting with your brand. You must check all the likes, shares, brand mentions, reactions, and comments you get against your content. All these things are forms of brand engagement. Audience engagement is crucial to your brand because it connects you with them. You have to take the time needed to respond to every feedback, compliment, query, and even complaint on social media. You also need to encourage audience engagement by posting content prompting the audience to interact.


7. Paid content:

After trying all the initial strategies, you can turn your attention towards social media advertisements. Just like Google, the algorithms of social media platforms keep changing from time to time. Sticking to organic tactics will only take you so far. As a result, you can’t avoid paid content altogether. By creating paid content, you ensure maximum targeting. You should try to use various formats to create high-quality ads for your company and showcase them on social media. Based on your objectives of social media activities, you may include CTAs in the ads that direct your audience to the action you want them to take.


8. Catering using social media:

The messaging systems of social media platforms aren’t just inboxes anymore. They can do a lot more than you expect. Hundreds and thousands of brands across the world are using social media messaging services to offer customer services. Social media channels offer customers the chance to approach brands directly in search of solutions and answers to their complaints and queries. With social media, you can build quick, simplified, and streamlined customer service sources. Chatbots, for instance, can answer basic queries, such as the status of an order, etc.


9. Influencers:

Once your brand reaches a position to make more fiscal investments, you should bring influencers on board. By collaborating with social media influencers, your brand will get that much-needed boost. You should seek an influencer from a niche in tandem with your brand. Keep partnering with them to leverage their followers on social media, as well as their powerful content creation skills.


10. Performance tracking:

Finally, you have to track how your social media pages are performing. Every social media strategy requires constant evaluation and performance analysis. After all, you have to know whether your efforts are yielding results or not. For that purpose, the world of the web is full-to-the-brim with numerous social media analysis tools.



As you’re starting your venture of building brand awareness, social media is perfect for you. It’s cost-effective and brings a massive range of features to the table to improve your brand’s awareness. The guidelines given here will help you in your task. Just incorporate them and experience the difference.

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